
100 Million signup Threads break the record in 5 days

Threads app lunched by Meta as a rival to twitter reached more than 100 million signups in less than 5 days. Threads create a history and become the fastest growing online platform. Threads hit the 100 million signups in the early Monday. It was launched on Wednesday evening across the 100 countries. Basically, it takes the date from your Instagram, or we called it another part of Instagram.

If you want to know to how to download or connect with threads app then kindly read this. For your kind information Threads break the record of ChatGPT the open AI which make 100 million in two month. On Friday while app crossing the 70 million the Mark Zuckerberg said, “way beyond our expectations” and as he said it was growing day by day. To become the part of Thread app you only need your Instagram account.

100 Million signup Threads break the record in 5 days
100 Million signup Threads break the record in 5 days

By the data of Senser Tower treads app is a mostly downloaded app in US on the both Play store as well as App store.

How threads cross 100 million in less than 5 days?

It starts from the first day of launch. After 7 hours of launch threads hits the 10 million signup, this is the turning point for Zuckerberg. After 30 million and then 70 million and currently more then 100 million in less than 5 days. Now, during this period of time a internet war is took between Elon Musk and Zuck related to this issues. I don’t is this a friendly war or not?

“The platform’s attractiveness stems from its ability to provide convenient access to established online communities. Users can effortlessly create an account using their existing Instagram credentials and seamlessly migrate their followers from the photo-sharing application.

Moreover, prior to its official release, Threads granted exclusive access to several notable accounts, including public figures such as Bill Gates, Shakira, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as renowned brands like Netflix. These early adopters played a crucial role in establishing the platform.”

“Meta, benefiting from its established social media infrastructure and widespread recognition, holds a competitive advantage. According to Darrell West, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Center for Technology Innovation, the association with a well-known brand offers benefits. The platform Threads is not expected to be limited to a niche audience but rather aims for broader appeal.

Users have expressed nostalgic sentiments, drawing comparisons between Threads and the early days of Twitter.

The future success of Threads remains uncertain, as Kevin Driscoll, an assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s Department of Media Studies, explained. Highly centralized platforms like Twitter and Facebook have faced challenges due to their focus on growth and early user acquisition, often at the expense of long-term sustainability.

How threads cross 100 million in less than 5 days?

Though Threads lacks some essential features, such as a search function, hashtags, and a following feed, the company is actively addressing user feedback and working on improvements. Meta’s chief technology officer, Andrew Bosworth, acknowledged the need for rectifying policies, including the requirement to delete both Threads and Instagram accounts when attempting to delete Threads.

The rollout of Threads in European Union countries poses regulatory challenges for Meta, despite the region being a significant market. In the first quarter of 2023, Europe accounted for approximately 22% of Meta’s $28 billion advertising revenue, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.”

What is the Internet war between Threads and Twitter?

“In the early success of the Threads app, Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg did not shy away from addressing its main competitor. Zuckerberg emphasized Threads’ focus on kindness, suggesting that Twitter lacked this aspect. He stated that Twitter’s failure to prioritize kindness hindered its success, and Meta aims to take a different approach.

Threads has been widely regarded as a potential “Twitter-killer,” posing a significant threat to X-Corp, the company created by Elon Musk that merged with Twitter earlier this year. X-Corp responded swiftly to Threads’ launch, with its legal team sending a letter to Zuckerberg, expressing concerns over alleged misappropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets and intellectual property.

In response, a Meta spokesperson clarified that no member of the Threads engineering team had previously worked for Twitter, refuting any claims of misappropriation.

Elon Musk criticized the app on Twitter, referring to it as a “closed-source, algorithm-only system” and raising concerns about undetectable information manipulation. He also voiced his concerns about any social media monopoly, describing it as despair.

Currently, Meta is celebrating this early win after facing a series of high-profile scandals and missteps, including layoffs, criticism from activists, and regulatory scrutiny regarding user protection and data mishandling.

Zuckerberg expressed enthusiasm about Threads, describing it as the beginning of something special and an encouraging start.”

Now let's end this topic here. If you want to use or already using Threads app but still not connected with me then don't be late. Connect with me.

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